LINE Fukuoka "WFH Arrangements" Covered on FBS's "Mentai Wide"

    LINE Fukuoka

    [Notice] Effective October 1, 2023, LINE Fukuoka has changed its company name to LY Communications. Articles published on or before September 30, 2023 were written with our former company name.

    In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, LINE Fukuoka promotes working remotely, and currently 20% of employees work in the office. Fukuoka Broadcasting System Corp. (FBS) recently covered the company's working from home (WFH) arrangements and communication. LINE Fukuoka believes that communication is an issue in WFH, and has taken various steps to remedy this, including the initiatives covered in the broadcast.

    In the future, we will continue to update this blog regarding LINE Fukuoka's working arrangements.

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